A Psycho-Spiritual Approach To The First Harvest (Lammas, Lughnasadh, Autumn Transition)...
I am a big ol' nature lover, and that is one of the reasons that I enjoy walking the Wheel Of The Year.
Pausing every six weeks or so to recognize the changes in light & temperature & the way those changes effect the world around me feels magickal & life-affirming.
In addition to taking time out to enjoy the cycles of Mother Nature, I also like to take a psycho-spiritual approach to the Wheel Of The Year, which echoes the popular sayings "as within, so without" and "as above, so below."
Since our society is largely sustained by agricultural practices, the cycles involved in preparing soil, planting seeds, tending crops, and bringing in the harvest make a perfect analogy for what goes on inside our own hearts and minds over the course of a year.
So- walking the Psycho-Spiritual Wheel Of The Year is a practical way of recognizing that the world within in you is reflected in the world around you, and it's a fantastic tool for making the most of what's going on in your life now.
Think of it is as tending the garden of your life...
We are now in the midst of The First Harvest (Lammas, Lughnasadh, Autumn Transition), which is usually celebrated on August 1 in honor of the waning sun & crops of grain. So- it's a great time to not only bake some bread or bite into a juicy tomato fresh off the vine, it's also a lovely time to go within for a psycho-spiritual inventory.
Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to help that process along:
★ What plans, ambitions, goals did not survive the heat of summer?
★ What can you release now in order to be more present to the harvest that you did manage to generate and the harvest still to come?
★ What abundance have you created in your life this year so far?
★ Is there a special craft project, ritual or activity that you can create to help acknowledge and celebrate that success?
★ Are there plans that still need to be made and implemented in order to bring about the harvest you've intended come fall?
★ What one step can you take now to ensure a future crop that will be hardy enough to sustain you through a long, cold winter?
*If you liked this post, you might also enjoy THE WiTCH LiST : 10 Magickal Etsy Finds For Celebrating The Last Month Of Summer...
Pausing every six weeks or so to recognize the changes in light & temperature & the way those changes effect the world around me feels magickal & life-affirming.
In addition to taking time out to enjoy the cycles of Mother Nature, I also like to take a psycho-spiritual approach to the Wheel Of The Year, which echoes the popular sayings "as within, so without" and "as above, so below."
Since our society is largely sustained by agricultural practices, the cycles involved in preparing soil, planting seeds, tending crops, and bringing in the harvest make a perfect analogy for what goes on inside our own hearts and minds over the course of a year.
So- walking the Psycho-Spiritual Wheel Of The Year is a practical way of recognizing that the world within in you is reflected in the world around you, and it's a fantastic tool for making the most of what's going on in your life now.
Think of it is as tending the garden of your life...
"The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest." -William Blake
We are now in the midst of The First Harvest (Lammas, Lughnasadh, Autumn Transition), which is usually celebrated on August 1 in honor of the waning sun & crops of grain. So- it's a great time to not only bake some bread or bite into a juicy tomato fresh off the vine, it's also a lovely time to go within for a psycho-spiritual inventory.
Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to help that process along:
★ What plans, ambitions, goals did not survive the heat of summer?
★ What can you release now in order to be more present to the harvest that you did manage to generate and the harvest still to come?
★ What abundance have you created in your life this year so far?
★ Is there a special craft project, ritual or activity that you can create to help acknowledge and celebrate that success?
★ Are there plans that still need to be made and implemented in order to bring about the harvest you've intended come fall?
★ What one step can you take now to ensure a future crop that will be hardy enough to sustain you through a long, cold winter?
*If you liked this post, you might also enjoy THE WiTCH LiST : 10 Magickal Etsy Finds For Celebrating The Last Month Of Summer...