HiPPiE WiTCH : Shadow Work & The Four Archetypes Of Survival
The Psycho-Spiritual Wheel Of The Year program that I have been promising to deliver for quite a while now is almost here!
And- in honor of that project's first module, which deals largely with shadow work, I have devoted every episode of HiPPiE WiTCH radio this month to the way that archetypes can come into play when you're doing shadow work.
If you don't know what shadow work is or you'd like to explore that subject further, the following three blog posts will give you a nice overview :
If you'd like to learn more about shadow work as it applies to archetypes or even just what an acrhetype is, LiSTEN to the first episode in this month's series...
I will be exploring The Victim and The Prostitute archetypes in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for that!
According to Caroline Myss (Sacred Contracts), each of these four archetypes are considered universal in that we all have them at play in our psyches to some degree.
She also refers to them as "survival archetypes", because they have so much to do with how we make our way in the world & how we each go about ensuring our own survival.
Heavy duty stuff, right? I find it fascinating & hope you do, too!
PLEASE NOTE : Up until this point, I have included a brief description of each HiPPiE WiTCH episode & a resource list on it's blogtalkradio page. From now on, I will be providing that information here on my website.
HiPPiE WiTCH : Magick For A New Age airs live every Tuesday at Noon (Pacific Time)