High Impact Food Swaps That Will Revolutionize Your Looks, Health & State Of Being...
1. Eating too many starchy carbs can quickly pack on unwanted pounds and contribute to painful inflammation in the body. I do think that there's room in a healthy diet for the occasional side of rice and that the lowly potato has been unfairly vilified, BUT- swapping out these two popular starches for cauli-rice and fauxtatoes is an awesome way to work more cancer preventative, anti-inflammatory power into your diet. And- if weight loss if your aim, cauliflower is the name of the game! It tastes and looks so much like these old meal-time staples that picky eaters will hardly notice the difference.
2. Zoodles... I LOVE Zoodles. They're easy to make, look super pretty on your plate and taste delicious. Zoodles are noodles made by peeling or "spiralizing" zucchini with one of these handy dandy contraptions. (You can use any summer squash or other soft, cylindrical veggies, as well). You can eat them raw (cucumbers are great like this in Asian dishes) or you can quickly sautee them to get a more spaghetti-like feel. Any sauce that works on traditional pasta will work with zoodles, and you won't be getting all that heavy, inflammatory starch to go with it. Plus, you'll be getting a nice dose of vitamins C & A, potassium and magnesium to go with 'em.
3. Removing commercial cow's milk from your diet can be a complete game changer. It can literally revolutionize your health, not to mention dramatically improve the look of your skin, and it's so easy to do now that most grocery stores carry a variety of ice creams, yogurts and cheeses made with almond or coconut milk. Coconut milk is great for baking, but when it comes to making smoothies or having the occasional bowl of cereal, I prefer the taste of almond milk. Either way- look for unsweetend, organic varieties and maybe even try making some from scratch. It's not that hard. A simple Pinterest search will show you how. Making almond milk from scratch is an especially fun weekend project for kids.
*** Like I say in the video above, it's always easier to focus on adding new things into your diet rather than taking things out- which can lead to feelings of resistance & deprivation. That's why I recommend starting with a few simple swaps and having fun with it. Keep it easy and go from there...
I am retiring the SAD to SEXY name but not all of the beautiful LOVE & research that went into creating that program.
All of that will be re-purposed in the future into something more in alignment with the KiCKASS WiTCH brand & my mission to help inspire you to create "the kickass life of your dreams"... using magick, of course.
Therefore- it will be called The Healing Magick Of Food.
In the meantime- I'll be using that hashtag on Instagram, if you care join me there... #TheHealingMagickOfFood and will continue to share fun recipes & pretty, inspiring food as I make & eat it.
May your life be blessed with clean, delicious food straight from Mother Nature and may you always be present to the healing magick springing up all around you every day!
NAMASTE, Witches...