The Weekly Witch Review #101 : The Craft Returns, A New Puerto Rican Superhero, Spider Dreams, Kickass Covens & More!

TGiF Witches...

Welcome to the latest edition of "The Weekly Witch Review", a kickass guide to all things new & exciting (or at least new & exciting to me) on the wonderfully wacky world wide web... 

Florence Welch's Instagram account is a visual parade of all my Hippie Witchy fantasies...

#goals Glastonbury for Beltane.

The Gypsy-Wytch Diaries : Just when it seemed I'd begun to succeed at surviving in the real world, a beautiful thing happened... I failed. Magick has a funny way of calling us back when we begin to lose our way, and I remembered that I was never meant to "survive in the real world". I was always meant to thrive in a world of enchantment...

Marvel has officially introduced Marisol RĂ­os de la Luz, a new afro-Puerto Rican superhero... What do superheroes have to do with modern day magick? If you work with archetypes & mythology- everything!!!

A rejuvenating rose-chamomile facial mist recipe...

Kickass Covens being all kickass & shit.

It’s natural to doubt yourself & want to run. It’s phenomenal to stick with it & give it your all anyway... The Story Behind Kris Carr's SuperSoul Session with Oprah...

We are the weirdos, Mister... 20 Years of The Craft.

The Craft is not being remade. It's getting a sequel!

Ouija Boards, Taxidermy, tattoos & tea... This couple keeps the living rad & rock & roll...

Speaking Of Rock & Roll... There Ain’t No Church In The Wild… MEET DOROTHY : Wicked Ones - Raise Hell - No Church In The Wild

10 Ways To Make Your Bath More Amazing

What a special mind & will for discovery this kid has… Quebec teen discovers ancient Mayan ruins by studying the stars. That level of observation & creativity makes me hopeful for the future of humanity.

The spider in a dream might be a disease marker or an ally, a clue to the need for some cleanup or even a goddess in disguise. To know what the spider means for you, you need to track your dreams & learn to go back inside them consciously.

The Magick Of Sacred Sacrifice.

40 quotes & photos from the brilliant Joan Didion.

A lovely witch I know shared this link with me on Twitter & Now I'm sharing it with you... Nature as A Fairytale Macro World.

★ WiTCHY VLOG OF THE WEEK : Indigo Speaker on Redeeming The Sacred Art Of Magic…

★ Tuesday's Episode Of HiPPiE WiTCH : Magick For A New Age... 

 An interview with Joey Morris, Starry Eyed Supplies.