HiPPiE WiTCH #398 : Waking The Witch with author Pam Grossman

Some witches go the extra mile to inspire the entire magickal community with art & books & podcasts, even getting involved politically...

Pam Grossman is one of those witches, and she is operating at the center of today's new wave of badass witchery with style, grace & the utmost integrity.

Which is why I am so damn pleased to share this interview with you here today.

Let the inspiration begin!

Waking The Witch with author Pam Grossman...

Visit Pam Grossman online & tell her what a kickass witch she is!

TO READ : Waking The Witch.

TO LiSTEN : The Witch Wave podcast

TO WATCH : Tigernite's Oracle & more!

Tap into the magick of the HiPPiE WiTCH archives here. 

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