HiPPiE WiTCH #403 : Work As Play, Joy, Freedom & Desire with Poet Jericho Brown

Jericho Brown has a way with words.

In sharing directly from his own experience, he provokes in his readers questions like :

How does one find freedom & joy in a culture that normalizes hatred, gun violence, racism & homophobia?

And- on a more personal note :

How does one find freedom & joy in discipline, work & the pursuit of a creative dream?

FREEDOM & JOY are keywords that pop up throughout this interview, and my hope is that something said here will bring you closer to realizing both in your own unique way...

Work As Play, Joy, Freedom & Desire...

Visit Jericho Brown online to see when he's reading at a city near you!

TO READ : The Tradition by Jericho Brown

TO READ : Thrive by Jericho Brown

TO LiSTEN : Forest Veil's Moon Mirror & more(!) via Spirit House Records

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