HiPPiE WiTCH #441 : A Ramble About Life + Heidi Stevens of The Feminine Collective

Who's in the mood for a long, kooky ramble about all the things?

IF THAT'S YOU, then you are in for a treat...

Not because my ramble is so next level, but because it eventually leads to something great.

After 30+ minutes of rambling about books & movies & golf balls & toilet paper, I finally got around to sharing my interview with the lovely Heidi Stevens of the Feminine Collective.

She probably deserves a much more dignified intro, but sometimes the rambling happens despite all intentions to rein it in, and well- I hope you'll love this episode of the podcast regardless...

A Ramble About Life + Heidi Stevens of The Feminine Collective...

Visit The Feminine Collective online to hear more from Heidi Stevens.

CHECK OUT : Heidi Stevens on Instagram. 

TO LiSTEN : an intro to The Inner Temple of Hippie Witch. 

JOiN ME on Patreon for the Inner Temple of Hippie Witch! 

Tap into the magick of the HiPPiE WiTCH archives here.