HiPPiE WiTCH #530 : The Magick Of Crows, Tarot & Some Badass Women with MJ Cullinane
Have you ever been afraid that you wouldn't be able to keep a roof over your head, much less make your creative dreams happen?
It's a disturbing feeling.
Some folks feel it and go running for shelter in the form of a "safe" relationship or job that ultimately leaves them dissastisfied.
Others find their courage and refuse to settle, even as they surrender to the guidance of the Universe...
MJ Cullinane is a person like that, a person with uncommon courage, which is why she's got so much wisdom to offer in the many tarot decks she's created over the years and here in conversation for the Hippie Witch podcast.
Take a listen and enjoy!
★ The Magick Of Crows, Tarot & Some Badass Women with MJ Cullinane...
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