HiPPiE WiTCH #550 : Creating A Tarot Deck One Card One Month At A Time...

Have you ever wanted to do something very specific, something big, something fun, but you just couldn't find the time for it?

Maybe life's responsibilities and commitments kept getting in the way?

How did that make you feel? I'm guessing not good.

I've certainly been there, and I know how frustrating and even demoralizing it can be, especially when your big something feels like a creative calling or a special dream. 

That's how I felt about writing my first novel while juggling the many daily tasks of single motherhood with solo entrepreneurship. 

However, I did eventually manage to get that novel completed one micro session at a time, which then allowed me to see the creative process in an entirely new way.

So- now I'm taking that insight and applying it to all kinds of things I want to do but can't seem to find the time for... most notably the making of my own tarot deck!

Slow & Micro.

That is the magick combo.

And it's what I'm excited to be chatting about here in the latest episode of the podcast...  

★ Creating A Tarot Deck One Card One Month At A Time...

★ JOiN ME on Patreon to follow along with The Journey, The Micro-Making Of A Tarot Deck, or to subscribe to the exclusive new podcast The BiBO Effect : Beauty In Beauty Out.  

★ Tap into the magick of the HiPPiE WiTCH archives here.